nagarjunreddy351 Nomads Haven1 By nagarjunreddy351

UML model

Give me user stories for the given d description I want to an e-commerce website on Ruby on rails platform .in the very first page after entering localhost:3000 ,the main should display app name:Nomads haven and at the side login and sign up options .Then there should be set of options Home ,buy a caravan, Nomad connect and shared experiences.After clicking on buy caravan, it should redirect to a page with 3 images representing small medium large after selecting anyone it should redirect to other page which shows 3 images mountainous ,lakeside,hilly areas and after selecting anyone it should rrdirect to other page which displays some theme based caravans and after selecting anyone it should redirect to payment page.After clicking on nomad connect options like create a group ,join a group should appear. If clicked on join groups , already listed groups should appear . If a customer wants to join any group in the listed groups he can click on any group and view the details and click join group to join the group, After joining the group he can see a discussion forum where he can ask questions and answer questions. If a customer wants to create a new group he can do that using the create group in the Nomad Connect home page. On clicking the create group a form should appear regarding group name, group information, scenic location, group size and after completing this form user can create a group. There is a shared experiences option by clicking on that , user can see feedback from other users who went on a trip using nomad connect and he can also give his feedback in that page and also comments on other feedback.

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